The irregular classification of employees as independent contractors is a problem that worries Hispanic workers because it affects mainly the restaurant, hotel, construction and other industries with a large amount of Hispanic labor. If you are treated as a contractor,...
Scams and frauds are illegal activities that represent billions of dollars a year in losses for individuals and businesses affected. There are numerous types of scams, depending on the country, the modality, the victims and the perpetrators. Scams can occur...
What in the United States is known as Credit Score is, basically, the score that an individual has in terms of credit. If our behavior in regard to money was an exam, the credit score would be the rating...
In the United States, the bad classification of employees as independent contractors is a problem that affects us all because when this happens, workers do not receive fair wages, benefits or job security. The misclassification of workers also affects...
Self-driving cars without a driver are no longer just something from science fiction movies. These autonomous cars, also known under the name of Self-Driving cars in English, already circulate on the roads and, unfortunately, are causing traffic accidents . However,...
In recent years it seems to have escalated the frequency with which we are in the news with heartrending videos or testimonies of people, mostly Hispanic and / or African descendants, who suffered abuse or police brutality in the...
The sun is one of our main sources of life. On the other hand, the effects of sun and heat in excess, can be harmful to our health. For example, in 1995 a heat wave in Chicago claimed the...
Work fatigue is a problem that appears in people as a result of prolonged, intense and / or repetitive work. It is presented as a decrease in work performance and a permanent feeling of fatigue. There are three types...
When we survive a situation in which our life or that of others is endangered, such as a war, a car accident, a natural disaster or a sexual attack, the damage can be more than physical. In fact, it...
Many times we wake up in the morning or end the day with back pains. Some are so intense that they make it difficult to get up. Back and neck pain is a very common problem that could be...