Our communities are empowered with knowledge and access to information. That's why we offer you accurate information about defective products that could harm you and your family.
We did a winning resume that assured us an interview , we had one or perhaps several interviews and we left an excellent impression. Suddenly, we received the call we had expected so much: the work is ours, we...
Elena gets up so early in the morning that it is still dark. It is that before preparing to go to work, you have to make sure that your mother, Rosa, 70, has everything you need: medicines organized in...
A car accident can become one of the most difficult situations in our lives. This type of unforeseen events can happen to any driver due to many factors. That's why it's important to be prepared and know what you...
The resume (pronounced "résume" in Spanish) is one of the labor documents that most represents us as workers before potential employers. As the name suggests, it is a summary of our qualities, achievements of our work experience, and skills...
Work fatigue is a problem that appears in people as a result of prolonged, intense and / or repetitive work. It is presented as a decrease in work performance and a permanent feeling of fatigue. There are three types...
There is a great controversy regarding Pit Bull dogs. On the one hand, there is talk of more than 25 reports of attacks on people by these dogs every week and one person killed every 13 days. Most Pit...
Law school can become quite expensive for some people. However, that should not stop your dreams from becoming a lawyer. Yes, there are times when we wonder if can you become a lawyer without going to law school? Believe...
Driving a motorcycle on the road for many is a unique and fun experience. However, we cannot ignore and forget that it can also be a VERY dangerous situation. People traveling by motorcycle are exposed to cars and heavy...
Free lawyers, by hours, by commission... there are several systems of work and charges when it comes to lawyers, and they also have to do with the type of legal service you request, the level of priority that will...